Sound Ideas, BLINK, CARTOON - XYLO EYE BLINKS, (Heard once in "Let'ER RIP" and "Alternate Reality Show.").Sound Ideas, BITE, CARTOON - BONE BITE (Heard once in "Alternate Reality Show").Sound Ideas, BIRD, ROOSTER - ROOSTER: TWO CALLS, ANIMAL (Heard three times in "Kick the Bucket" and heard once in "Episode 11: Part 2.").Sound Ideas, BIRD, GOOSE - CANADA GOOSE: CALLS, GEESE, ANIMAL (Heard twice in "Mazed and Confused" and "Theft and Battery.").
Sound Ideas, APPLAUSE, CHEERING - INDOOR: SMALL STUDIO AUDIENCE, WITH WHISTLING, HEAVY, CROWD 02 (Heard twice in "Hatching The Plan".).Noot Noot (Heard twice in "Mazed and Confused" and "Kick the Bucket.").MLG Air Horn Sound (Heard twice in “Rain On Your Charade”).Hollywoodedge, Warning Buzzer Space PE194501 (Heard once in "Mazed and Confused").Hollywoodedge, Small Group Kids Laug PE143601/ Hollywoodedge, Children Sml Grp Laug PE954803 (Heard once in the song "Afterlife to the Limelight.").Hollywoodedge, Screams 4 Woman Singl PE133801 (Heard once in the Season 1 episode "The Crappy Cliff." (Pickle Scream Only)).Hollywoodedge, Crowd Reaction Shock PE142501 (Heard once in "Rain On Your Charade.").Hollywoodedge, Cats Fighting Loud Sc PE917007/ Hollywoodedge, Cats Two Angry YowlsD PE022601 (Heard once in 4th Yowls "Breaking the Ice.").Hollywoodedge, Bottle Rocket 5 Picco PE098801 (Heard Once In "Journey To Memory Lane Part 1".).